Adding Google Search Console Verification To DNS With WHM

To add a Google Search Console verification entry to your DNS, follow this format: 14400 TXT google-site-verification=abc123

You simply add a TXT record to your DNS record. If using WHM, you use their DNS Zone Manager.

Be sure to have a “.” at the end of the domain.

Outlook Cannot Send Or Receive Since PST File Too Big

If you find that your PST file is too big and Outlook won’t let you delete emails or empty the trash can, you might be able to slowly free up space by deleting emails individually.

The trick is to hold down the SHIFT key and then press delete. This will permanently delete the email rather than send the email to the trash can which is not work since the trash can is already too full.

Add Auto SSL Certificate To Websites On Liquidweb

This is something specific to LiquidWeb hosting. To add the free AutoSSL cert to a domain do this:

1) From your WHM login, go to Manage AutoSSL.
2) Choose Manage Users tab.
3) Find the domain you want to add the SSL and then click on the Check “[doman”] button.
4) To see if it worked, click the Logs tab and Refresh. Review the log file to see if it’s successful. Log entry will be at the bottom of the file.
5) On the domain, add this to the .htaccess file to redirect to the SSL URL.

### Begin SSL Redirect
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} !https
RewriteRule ^ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]
### End SSL Redirect

Cannot Open Excel File From Email Attachment or File Explorer

March 24, 2020 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Uncategorized 

If you are unable to open Excel files either from an email attachment or from the file explorer, it may be due to an DDE setting.

Go to File > Options > Advanced

Toggle the Ignore other settings that use Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) check box.

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Create a Windows 10 Update Shortcut on Desktop

How to create a Windows Update shortcut on your desktop:

Right-click an empty spot on your desktop.
Click New.
Click Shortcut.
Type ms-settings:windowsupdate.
Click Next.
Type Windows Update or whatever you’d like to name the shortcut.
Click Finish.

Windows 10 Missing Desktop Shortcuts and Icons

When running Windows 10 if you find your desktop missing folders and icons, it may be due to getting into Table mode.

Press Windows Key – A and then in the bottom right you can toggle Tablet mode.

Edge Works While Chrome and Firefox Fail To Connect

Edge browser seemed to connect quickly and load pages while Chrome and / or Firefox was very slow to load.

Run CMD with admin rights and enter these two commands:

netsh winsock reset
netsh int ip reset

More info here:

In addition, you can reset the DNS servers to Google’s and

Microsoft Feedback Popup on Windows 10

If you get an annoying popup from Microsoft regarding taking a feedback survey, you can disable it from Settings > Privacy > Diagnostics and Feedback > Feedback Frequency. Change that option to Never.

For more info check out this site:

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CSRSS.EXE Fake Claim That It Is A Virus

Have a new client who was previously contacted by a hacker who told her that her csrss.exe file as a known virus and she had to hire him to clean it.

This actually a required file for Windows 10 and while it *could* be a virus it is easy to determine if you are running a legit version by simply opening the task manager and checking if the file is located in the System32 directory.

DYMO Label Software v.8 Won’t Start

When the Dymo label software won’t start it is often because the user config file has become corrupt.

If you rename the user.config file the software will create a new one.

Go to C:\users\username\AppData\Local\Sanford,_L.P.\DLS.exe…\ and rename the user.config file.

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