The Computer Who Wore A Beard
At first I was going to title this post “Psst! Wanna See Some Dirty Computer Pictures?”
I thought that might be a bit too risqué so I decided to tone it down bit.
Be that as it may, this post DOES have to do with dirty computer pictures.
Here some some unretouched pictures of computers that I have encountered over the past year. Click on the photos — if you dare — to see more of the dirty details…
This first picture shows a lot of dust collecting on the front USB ports. These ports are often located near the bottom of the computer so they are in the prime location for collecting dust mites, pet hair, cracker crumbs, and just about anything that falls on the floor.
This second picture shows more dust, this time on the back of the computer. You know, the place against the wall that no one ever cleans?
Usually the ethernet ports are on the back of the computer so this is another good place for the ports to collect dust and short out.
Ever wonder why your internet connection is intermittent? It could be all that dust clogging the ethernet port and causing electrical shorts.
Here’s a picture of another computer’s power supply. All the dust is clogging the air vents which causes the power supply to overheat and burn out.
And when a power supply burns out it could short out the whole computer, destroying the main computer board and possibly even the computer hard drive. *Ouch!*
I think this photo is the ultimate in dirty computer pictures. So much dust has collected on the inside of the computer it grows down like a beard.
And a final pictoral homage to ZZ Top:
ZZTop, Computer Beard, ZZ Top-Computer Beard Combo.
Check out the next post to see what you can do about keeping your computer free from dust and beards. Unless you REALLY dig ZZ Top…